Meagan Gunnip Expresses A Lost Dream In Latest Single ‘Best You Never Had’

Meagan Gunnip’s single, Best You Never Had was officially released earlier this year on February 11th 2022.
The track marks Meagan’s first single release following her debut album, Better Things dropped last summer.
The song illustrates a broken romance that never had a chance to grow.
“Have you ever broken up with someone you never even dated? Yeah, this song is about that. I’m not the one that got away, but I am the best you never had,” Meagan explained.
You can enjoy Best You Never Had here:
Meagan Gunnip is a singer-songwriter who captures feelings in a moving blend of lyrics and melody. Meagan started playing piano as a kid, plunking out nursery rhyme songs and playing them over and over on the upright piano in her childhood home.
By the age of 14, she decided she’d be better off scribbling down her own lyrics than simply learning how to play songs by other artists. Since then, she’s written hundreds of songs about heartbreak and happiness, and everything in between.
“This song is gearing up for the new music I plan on releasing throughout 2022- shifting directions to be edgier and sharper, but still remaining true to my songwriter core.
I’m so excited to be releasing new music soon and can’t wait for people to hear what comes next on my musical journey!” Meagan concluded.
I find the idea behind Best You Never Had to be quite fascinating. Honestly, it may sound a little unreasonable but this is something you’ve probably experienced. What’s there not to like? We can truly share Meagan’s enthusiasm for creating new music and wait for great tracks in the future!
You can follow Meagan Gunnip on her journey through her Socials.