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Slu Reveals His Inner Demons In New Single, ‘Expectations’

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…I always help others who suffer with mental health issues as a way to cope and feel positive.


Slu’s single ‘Expectations’ was officially released earlier this week on March 20th, 2022.

Finding inspiration based on expectations of how one should be or what they should do to conform or be popular, the track draws raw emotions on how it feels to get one’s hope crushed.

You can enjoy Expectations here:

Slu explains the drive behind his love for music and how much it has helped him cope with his emotions.

“I’ve been writing lyrics for around 8 years now,” Slu started.

“I’ve always been someone that bottles up emotions and struggles to understand them and talk about them to people. So I always help others who suffer with mental health issues as a way to cope and feel positive.”

Finding relief and a way to vent release his build up, there’s nothing better Slu could hope for.

“Lyrics became a main source of venting for me as I could write about things I didn’t understand and that made me feel negative, into lyrics with metaphors and analogies that I did understand creating something that was positive and I was proud of out of something negative.

But with my anxiety and low self esteem I never released any of my music even tho I knew I had talent especially with word play as I love intricate schemes in my lyrics,”

Slu admits to having inner demons dwelling inside of him. He empasises that his music serves as the best tool for him to fight back all the negativity.

” I’ve recently hit rock bottom and have finally started facing my demons and releasing music is helping me on the journey. Pretty deep I know, but that’s my story as an artist.

I’m not looking to be the next big thing. I Just hope anyone who can relate to the things I speak on can take something out of it that helps them. It’s my biggest passion and I love it.” Slu concluded.

Mental health isn’t something that’s been most eplored in our society. Seeing how Slu handles his situation is quite impressive. There’s no better way to let out build up stress than sharing it with the world. ‘Expectations’ sure does it job!

You can follow Slu on their journey through their Socials.