Pocke Öhrström’s Album ‘See Lydia Dancing’ Is Out
“I’d like to capture and convey moods and images and leave room for the listener to stand for the interpretation himself.”
Pocke Öhrström
Pocke Öhrström’s ‘See Lydia Dancing’ album was released on September 2nd last year (2021).
‘See Lydia Dancing’ gives the impression Pocke wrote the songs from his experiences. The lyrics are rather detailed and masterfully laid with vocals to match. The same goes for the subtle melodies and beats. Experience stories told in form of a song.
You can enjoy See Lydia Dancing here:
Pocke Öhrström is a Swedish singer and music maker with a knack for presenting his musical poems in the form of adult alternative songs.
After years of being a member of various bands: Tredje Mannen, Trettioåriga Kriget and others, Pocke is now doing his own project. This includes writing and producing his music.
Pocke is inspired by: the northern Aegean Sea, the lakes in the Swedish forest and the English countryside; places you can find spectra of happy and blue feelings
I find listening to ‘See Lydia Dancing’ quite relaxing. It makes you feel like you’re inside the story being told.
You can follow Pocke Öhrström on their journey through their Socials.